Books and e-Books
Books allow authors to invest hundreds of pages exploring a topic. Verify that the book is recent enough for your research.

The Library Catalog

The library catalog lists both paper books and e-books housed in Jackson Library.

Books - Students and faculty may use the catalog "Request" option to ask that book be mailed to their home. Library books are mailed to homes in the continental United States. Jackson Library books are loaned for four weeks, and my be returned by to mail to OCLS. Library books may also be returned to any IWU Education Center staffed with a librarian.

e-Books - Each e-book provider has their own interface for searching within a book. The library catalog lists the e-book titles which are available, and provides a link to the ebook in its proprietary environment.

My Library Account - This page displays the books that are on loan from OCLS/Jackson Library, as well as books that were requested but which are loaned to another.

Indiana Wesleyan University, Off Campus Library Services. (). . Retrieved from