Library Access Number
Provide your student ID number, and this form finds your Library Access Number.

Generate your 14-digit Library Access Number

7-digit ID Number:

Library Access Number:

Check Digit:


Enter your 7-digit ID number, then click the button labeled "Generate Library Access Number."

The form creates a 14-digit library access number which can be copied for use in the Alternate login process.

To clear this form, refresh your browser by pressing the key on your PC keyboard, or the key combination when using Safari.

An explanation of the software follows. . . .

A Library Access Number is composed of three parts:

  1. The standard 6-digit prefix 292240 found on all IWU library cards. This prefix is usually provided on library forms, and is generated for you here.
  2. Your student or faculty ID number. Most new student ID numbers are 7 digits, but some older ID numbers can be only 5 or 6 numbers. Just add leading zeros to make your ID 7 digits.
  3. A single check digit, as generated by this software, is the final numeral of your library access number. If you already have paperwork with your ID number, you may note this check digit on it rather than printing an entire ID number.
The resulting 14-digit number is your Library Access Number. You may copy and paste this number into library forms, or paste it in an email and send it to yourself. Please guard your library access number, as it could be used to check out books in your name.

If you attempt to use the databases, and you are not on an IWU campus, you will be prompted for your name and Library Access Number to prove that you are a member of the IWU academic community.

If you have difficulty, submit a request using the form on the left.   The OCLS team can look up your ID number and generate your library access number.   You will need to provide your name and cohort number (example: ASB1703).

Based on modula-10 code developed by Michael J. Damato

Indiana Wesleyan University, Off Campus Library Services. (). . Retrieved from