Articles and e-Books
OCLS librarians provides you and your students with articles, books, and research/APA guidance.

Faculty Training

Contact an OCLS librarian for an explanation of the materials and services available to you and your students. Your librarian can walk you through compliance with copyright laws, advise you or your students on APA usage, and can explain the best databases for a specific research subject.

Faculty Services

Access to library databases and services is available to all members of the IWU academic community. OCLS provides you with a Library Access Number which authenticates both database access and requests for the shipment of library books. If you have any difficulty with using your library access number, contact OCLS.

Library resources are available to help you with your scholarly research, and OCLS can be invaluable in developing research strategies and obtaining materials. If you are responsible for developing a new course, teamwork with an OCLS librarian will ensure that ample resources are available to support each lesson, and will help the university comply with copyright law.

Should you suspect student plagiarism, OCLS librarians can attempt to verify the source of the questioned text. The administrative review process entails evaluation of both the student work and the original source, and this review must be completed before a student is accused of plagiarism.

Encourage your students to take advantage of the face-to-face coaching in research and APA documentation offered by librarians stationed in major education centers. If you teach in such a center, you may request that the librarian schedule a visit to your classroom to demonstrate needed research or documentation skills, and to answer student questions about obtaining academic resources for their assignment.

All faculty and students may reach an OCLS librarian by phoning 800-521-1848 or by using the OCLS Request Form.

Indiana Wesleyan University, Off Campus Library Services. (). . Retrieved from