APA Style
APA style provides a standard for creating documents in the fields of business, nursing, and psychology (among others).

Current Students

Students using the IWU APA Guide; The Concise Rules of APA Style, 6th ed;  or The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. should download the APA 6e Guide.

APA Style CENTRAL is a personalized, interactive learning and writing tool for APA. Once logged via the IWU databases login, you will want to create your own account so papers can be written and saved..

Other APA 6th ed. Helps:

  1. APA Annotated Bibliography - Example.
  2. APA Checklist - Checklist serves as a reminder of APA requirements.
  3. APA FAQ - from APAStyle.Org
  4. APA Paper Template
  5. APA Style Guide to Electronic References - (Requires library log in as this is restricted to IWU students/faculty.)
  6. APA Video Tutorials - Tutorials by OCLS staff
  7. Abbreviations for Biblical books and terms given in the Chicago Manual of Style have been posted by Grove City College. - APA defers the Chicago abbreviations.
  8. Classical Works - Use this source as a guide to qualifying works.
  9. Electronic Articles in APA - Understanding the DOI & publisher's home web site.
  10. How to Cite ERIC Documents - ERIC documents are reports on the topic of education.
  11. Locate a DOI for your articles - Provided by CrossRef
  12. APA Style Blog - Provided by the American Psychological Association
  13. Supplemental Materials to the Publication Manual
  14. APA Formatting & Style Guide - by Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)

APA Style Templates (Some Require Purchase)

(Note:  These can assist with writing in APA format, but all software is subject to error; be sure to check your output against official APA rules and the APA edition your class is using.)

  • EasyBib - It has a free version or you can pay for the Pro version.
  • EndNote - Free to IWU students and faculty
  • You will be required to authenicate to download this software which is available for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
  • KnightCite - Provided by Hekman Library, Calvin College.
  • When you first connect, be sure to select APA as your Citation Style, then select the format that you are trying to cite.
  • Reference Point Software - Templates for common word processing programs
  • Assists with citation creation. TIP: Check for correct format, i.e. capitalization of initial word of a title but no capitalization of subsequent words.
  • Slate Citation Machine - Free from the Landmark Project

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